Do you believe?

I have failed many times. Still do.

In fact, I may be in the middle of one of the biggest failures of my life. And what am I facing? A lack of belief that I can succeed. What I’m doing I believe (today anyway) is what God has called me to do. But it doesn’t appear to be working.

YodaI can’t help thinking about the scene from The Empire Strikes Back (1980) when Yoda is teaching Luke how to use the Force and suggests he use it to raise the X-wing out of the bog where it has crashed. Luke sighs and says he’ll, “give it a try.” To which Yoda says:

“No. Try not. Do … or do not. There is no try.”

So Luke makes the attempt—and he fails, sinking the ship even further into the swamp. As he wanders off to sulk in his failure (you ever do that?), he accuses Yoda of asking the impossible.

That’s when Yoda uses the Force himself to raise the ship. As Luke looks at the resurrected X-wing, he says to Yoda in amazement: “I don’t … I don’t believe it.”

Yoda replies: “That is why you fail.”

Click to read more at Novel Rocket.

Michael Ehret, for Writing on the Fine Line

Michael Ehret loves to play with words and as editor of the ACFW Journal, he is enjoying his playground. He also plays with words as a freelance editor right here at, where he often takes a writer Into The Edit, pulling back the veil on the editing process. He has edited several nonfiction books, played with words as a corporate communicator, and reported for The Indianapolis Star.

Still Waiting?

I’ve been in waiting mode for years with this novel I’m writing. Waiting for me to commit the time to it (note I didn’t say find the time). Waiting for inspiration to strike. Waiting for God to extend His finger from the sky and emblazon my manuscript with the perfect words.

Waiting. Yes, for these things, but mostly for the courage to continue. Can anyone relate?

So, anyway, I’m reading in one of my favorite blogs the other day (Novel Rocket: and I find this post by Anita Mellott from March of 2010 on waiting. (Feel free to enjoy it.)

Anita’s waiting was of a different texture than mine, but this line leapt out at me: “I had a choice–to allow the tentacles of doubt and anxiety to tighten their stranglehold on me or to ‘travel steadily along his path’ (Psalm 37:34; NLT).”

I, too, have a choice–and it’s the same one.

Then, in my mind, a song started playing (I’m a regular jukebox, most days). John Waller’s “While I’m Waiting” from the movie Fireproof. Again, totally out of context from my brand of waiting, but here’s the line that moved me:

And I will move ahead bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience

It’s that “bold and confident” part I have trouble with.

How about you? Have you been waiting? Letting fear of (fill in the blank) rob you of your writing?

I think it’s time to take a step in obedience.

What are you waiting on? Can you find a way to move forward, even while you wait?

On Thursday, something new for Writing On The Fine Line–our first book review! Come back then and see what I thought of Peter Leavell’s Gideon’s Call. Did this historical win me over?

Michael Ehret, for Writing on the Fine Line